Was 17 when I first met her. She signed up for the class through New Prague Community Education. She came to my studio and we started the process. She then took her plasticine home and worked on it over a years time. You can see by her bronze plaque that she was interested in snowflakes at the time and she patiently added many detailed layers of snowflakes from her research.
I started texting Caitlin when I was looking for past students who had done a plaque for the Tower. I needed to find her and her address to send her the Tower deduction invitation. We have texted this summer a few times and spoken on the phone, This was a text thread that tells you about what she has been going through with her anxiety, eating disorder, medical diagnosis, and surgery treatment. I was going to type something up but I realized the text thread said it all. Caitlin needs support and in telling her story she can continue to grow and heal. This is one of the reasons I do art- to find (brave) people and give them a voice to heal and grow.
Text back and forth between Caitlin and Kiersten on August 12, 2023 .
(Kiersten) The Tower is up!
(Kiersten) Hi Caitlin, I was wondering where you graduated High School and what you did after high school?
(Kiersten) I am writing bios for each of you who did a plaque for the Tower. So tell me whatever you are interested in and that is great. I will add that you have had some medical hurdles to deal with and that you and your fiancé are planning on getting married in 2024 if you want.
(Kiersten) If you could text me something to answer the questions today that would be great… this is my last day before I send it in tonight to the web designer. If not, that is okay too.
(Caitlin) I unfortunately never completed my high school :c I’ve been out of work for over a year due to my condition, and I just found out yesterday that I need a third surgery to fix my pacemaker
(they had already “fixed” it once) I’m very excited to see the tower in person! it looks so beautiful 🙂
(Kiersten) You have not completed it yet! And your life experiences of what you are going through, and your level of excellence on the tower plaque lead me to believe that you have your degree and more, my friend!!!!
So what are things that you like to do? I will write that you love to draw and create!!???
(Caitlin) yeah, I still like to draw and sculpt 🙂 I’m making Koroks for a game store to put in their succulent plants that they sell. I like relaxing and taking care of my special needs cat D’Artagnan, he gets an allergy shot every 20 days I give to him and medications every day. he has a permanent head tilt but I think it makes him more charming 🙂
(Kiersten) What are a Koroks, if I may ask?
(Kiersten) Can you take a pic?
(Caitlin) Koroks are from a game called Zelda, they help you with little things in the game 🙂
Caitlin Tallent’s sculptures that she makes for a local store to put in succulent plants. Aug 12, 2023
(Kiersten) What does the tattoo on your hand say? and foot?
(Caitlin) it says Hina, it’s my late dog’s name 🙂 it means sunshine in Japanese. my foot says “Faithful Dog Hatchiko”
(Kiersten) I have that movie about Hatchiko. Do you play the game Zelda online?
(Caitlin) I play Zelda on my Switch! It’s one of my favorites
(Kiersten) Does your condition have a name?
(Caitlin) My condition is called Gastroparesis
(Kiersten) Can I put that you are working with this condition?
(Caitlin) sure 🙂 (Kiersten) Can I write that you and your fiancé are planning on getting married in 2024? Or not?
(Caitlin) yeah of course 🙂
(Kiersten) I will add about your cat!!!!
(Kiersten) How many surgeries have you had in total? And when did they start- what age?
(Caitlin) my condition started last year around May or June.? I was vomiting uncontrollably and got in a car accident because of it. I got my first surgery this year in January, (age 29) to have the gastric pacemaker put in, and another in April to fix the faulty lead. yesterday I got the pacemaker interrogated and the same lead is still faulty. my condition is better but I still get sick from time to time. they should be calling me on Monday to schedule surgery to redo the entire thing this time, last time they just changed the battery itself. ill have to get a whole new set of leads and I believe a new battery as well
(Kiersten) Were you dealing with this as a teenager? Reason for not going to school. Or other reasons?
(Kiersten) Let me know if I am okay in asking this….
(Caitlin) so my condition is a guessing game, they don’t know why it occurs. It’s usually damage to the vagus nerve, they are assuming it’s due to me having been severely anorexic at age 14, I almost died because I was so thin. they think my starvation caused the damage. I’ve had stomach issues all my life, which probably caused the anorexia. I feel awful because my actions when I was young are probably causing my current health issues. it’s ok to ask and it’s okay to put up this info! It’s a very rare condition but I’d like to help spread more awareness about it so others don’t feel as alone like I have
(Kiersten) Okay!!!
(Caitlin) as for school, I think my mental health was declining the most when I was doing my home-schooled high school. I was a perfectionist and couldn’t stand getting less than 100 on tests. I think the anxiety is why I never finished
(Kiersten) I can share on your bio what we have texted back and forth? or you can write a statement or something?
(Caitlin) I’m not very good at writing! you can put whatever you see fit :•)
(Kiersten) Yes, anxiety and wanting to be “perfect” can cripple the most amazing folks!!!!! ( what is perfect???? Failing is perfect! ) You are perfect as you are now! Moving forward physically and mentally – as long as you have support to move ( forewords, backwards, up, down, somewhere)! ( Caitlyn hearted this text above from Kiersten)
(Kiersten) I will write up something and talk about your anxiety, eating disorder, and what you have now… Thank you for being so awesome and brave! Dear, you! You have been through a lot!
(Caitlin) no problem and thank you :•)
(Kiersten) Let me know about what you find out tomorrow at the Drs….And we will talk more.
(Caitlin) I will 🙂
Sent from my iPhone
I keep in touch with Caitlin. -Kiersten- Heart Park Studio Art. “The Art of Healing the Heart.”